Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Adults Need Vaccines Too June 16, 2011
As a parent, you've probably read up on the vaccines that your child needs, keeping a careful record to make sure that your child is up-to-date on all of his shots. But when was the last time you considered your own immunization status? [+] more
Trials, and tribulations, of a rotavirus vaccine June 15, 2011
Rotavirus infection, which kills about half a million kids every year (almost all of them in the Third World), is preventable. But the chief mode of protection - a vaccine against it -has traveled a tortuous development route. [+] more
Docs Find Rise in Measles Cases a 'Tragedy' June 15, 2011
For many doctors, reports by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing the largest increase in measles cases in almost 20 years is troubling but not surprising. [+] more
Immunity: when it's smart to go with the herd June 14, 2011
With once rare infectious diseases making a worrying comeback, we must stop permitting parents' 'philosophical exemptions' [+] more

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