Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Many Spanish-speaking Hispanics go un-immunized January 27, 2011
(Reuters Health) - Older Hispanics who prefer to speak Spanish or who live in communities where little English is spoken may be more likely to miss their pneumonia or seasonal flu vaccinations, suggests a large new study. [+] more
Flu Fiction: 15 Common Misperceptions About Seasonal Flu January 26, 2011
The term "influenza" was coined back when medieval Italians believed the illness to be brought on by the influence of the stars. While that particular flu myth has long been forgotten, physicians still do battle with other circulating myths about flu and its vaccine each season. [+] more
Top five immunizations for adventure travelers January 25, 2011
Getting vaccinated greatly reduces or virtually eliminates the odds of contracting certain serious illnesses or travel-related diseases, and helps prevent the spread of contagions. [+] more
Experts stress prevention with rise in whooping cough January 25, 2011
Doctors say those in contact with children, especially newborns, should get a booster shot [+] more

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