Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Hospital employee not entitled to religious exemption from flu vaccine requirement April 14, 2016
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was amended in 1972 to require employers - public and private - to reasonably accommodate employees' religious objections to generally applicable work requirements, so long as the accommodation wouldn't involve 'undue hardship' for the employer or for others. [+] more
Officials concerned about decline in immunization rates April 14, 2016
North Dakota health officials say they're concerned about a decline in the state's kindergarten immunization rates. [+] more
Trend of no vaccines worries doctors April 14, 2016
Parents of school-age children in Texas quickly learn the choices: Get your kids vaccinated according to the state-mandated schedule or officially opt out of the vaccines. [+] more
HPV Prevalence: Before and After the HPV Vaccine Era April 14, 2016
Universal HPV vaccination has been recommended in the United States since 2006 for females and 2011 for males. [+] more

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