Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Australian mom reverse anti-vaccine stance after newborn gets whooping cough April 6, 2016
An Australian mother who refused to be vaccinated against whooping cough has changed her stance on immunizations after passing the illness on to her newborn child. 'If I could turn back time, I would protect myself,' Cormit Avital said in a video, according to Australian Broadcasting Company ( [+] more
More than 2,000 PSD students opt out of vaccinations April 6, 2016
Tasha Craigie didn't vaccinate her oldest daughter until she was 7 years old. Her 5-year-old son has never felt the prick of a vaccine needle... Craigie fills out a personal exemption for her daughter and son, who attend Lopez Elementary School. [+] more
Emotional day at school after 9-year-old's death April 6, 2016
It was an emotional, 'up and down' day at Poly Drive Elementary on Tuesday after the death of a 9-year-old student... The student, who had been diagnosed with swine flu, the H1N1 flu strain, died early Monday. [+] more
Influenza vaccine could reduce risk of stillbirths April 6, 2016
Mothers who receive seasonal influenza vaccinations may have a reduced chance of stillbirth according to a new study of midwife records for just over 58,000 births in Western Australia. [+] more

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