Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Officials vaccinate homeless residents after fatal infection February 20, 2016
Boston health officials are vaccinating hundreds of homeless residents against a bacterial infection that killed a homeless man earlier this week. The Boston Globe reports the victim was among three homeless men who've come down with meningococcemia this year. [+] more
New Year, New Immunization Schedule February 19, 2016
Immunizations are good for grams and gramps, moms and pops, and little 'uns of all ages. But, wow it's hard to keep up with who's supposed to get what, and when they're supposed to get it. [+] more
Why Science Denialism Is Costing Us A Fortune February 18, 2016
The Real Costs of the Anti-Vaccine Movement... Besides those dollars there are private costs too: for doctors' visits, for time missed on the job by working parents, and so on. Studies show the cost of each case exceeds $10,000. [+] more
No increased risk for death at 30 days after adolescent vaccination February 17, 2016
The risk for death was not increased during the 30 days following vaccination of adolescents, with no deaths found to be causally associated with vaccination, according to recent findings. [+] more

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