Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Journal Times editorial: We need a vaccine against fear-mongers June 9, 2016
The mosquitoes are coming! The mosquitoes are coming! Let the fear-mongering begin. Actually, we would prefer that it end - or at least be toned down... [+] more
Decade of Gardasil vaccination reduces global infection, anogenital warts, cervical lesions June 9, 2016
A recently published literature review suggested that global uptake of Gardasil quadrivalent HPV vaccine has led to a major reduction in infection rates, as well as fewer reports of several related conditions. [+] more
Meningitis decision rule fails to deter hospitalization of very low risk children June 9, 2016
Recent research in Hospital Pediatrics determined that children designated as very low risk using a bacterial meningitis clinical decision rule were still exposed to hospital-related risks and costs for suspected meningitis infection. [+] more
Will the Polio Virus Defeat Cancer? June 9, 2016
A group of doctors and scientists perhaps had these experiences in mind when they decided to treat this aggressive and lethal kind of cancer with a modified polio virus. This modified polio virus kills cancer cells but not normal cells, since its ability to grow depends on biochemical abnormalities only present in cancer cells. [+] more

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