Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Will Universal Cancer Vaccine Ever Be A Reality? June 9, 2016
Could a shot in the arm successfully attack cancers in virtually any part of the body? An international team of researchers says they have made progress along those lines. [+] more
Why Are We Seeing So Much Pertussis? June 8, 2016
This study was a follow-up of a previous analysis of outcomes of children who received only the acellular and not the whole-cell pertussis vaccine, both initially and during tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) booster vaccination in adolescence, adding data up through 2014. [+] more
Low vaccination rates gaining state wide attention in Amarillo June 8, 2016
An increasing rate of low vaccinations in both Randall and Potter counties has caught statewide attention. [+] more
Why Are Idaho's Immunization Numbers Trending Upward? June 8, 2016
The 2015 Disneyland measles outbreak stretched into Utah - but never crossed the border into Idaho. But this was close enough to put Idaho school officials on high alert. [+] more

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