Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

HPV Is Just As Dangerous For Men March 8, 2016
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is best known for its close causal link with cervical cancer, but is also responsible for causing cancers of the penis, anus, throat, tonsils, and tongue and even head and neck, say experts. [+] more
Here's Why Some Clinicians Consider Themselves 'Vaccine Hesitant' March 8, 2016
Despite the well-established data demonstrating that pediatric vaccines are life-saving, safe, and effective, significant obstacles remain to their implementation, on both patient and provider levels. Data from several studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between provider and parent attitudes and that one of the strongest factors associated with parental vaccine acceptance is the recommendation of the healthcare provider. [+] more
Baseless critiques of Colorado vaccination bill March 8, 2016
A modest bill that would help protect unvaccinated children in Colorado from an outbreak of disease faces an uncertain future as it proceeds to a scheduled vote on the House floor Wednesday. [+] more
We Need to Stop Calling Breast-Feeding Natural March 8, 2016
Public health advocates often use the phrase natural in their attempts to promote breast-feeding. As a marketing strategy, it's a shrewd move. Most mothers will feel at least a little bit guilty about going the 'unnatural' route and will be too tired to question the speciousness of what's being implied. But as a public health strategy, this use of natural may not be a very wise move at all. [+] more

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