Vaccines in the News

Vaccines in the News

Proper Vaccination is Important for Adults March 4, 2016
Adults need vaccinations to help protect against serious diseases that could result in poor health, missed work, medical bills and not being able to care for family. Even if adults were vaccinated at a younger age, immunity can wear off or the resistance can become less effective... Adults need a flu vaccine every year. [+] more
Celebs! They're Just Like Us: They Love Vaccines, Too March 4, 2016
A recent episode of Comedy Central's Broad City featured a story where the main character gets her HPV vaccine. We were thrilled to see a hit TV show spread awareness of this vital immunization, and it got us thinking of our favorite Hollywood vaccine advocates. [+] more
U.S. free vaccine program tied to reduced disparities for kids March 3, 2016
Racial and ethnic disparities in vaccination rates have declined since the U.S. started a free childhood vaccine program more than two decades ago, but affluent and white youth are still more likely to get shots than their low-income and non-white peers, a recent study suggests. [+] more
Barbara Loe Fisher is Right. She's Also To Blame. March 3, 2016
Barbara Loe Fisher may be right about one thing. We need a better Tdap vaccine to prevent pertussis (also known as whooping cough). However, her opposition to legislation in Indiana that would require hospital employees be up-to-date on Tdap, flu and MMR vaccines is unsupported. [+] more

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